Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Wedding: By the Numbers

Number of months we were engaged: 9
Number of times we thought about eloping during the 9 months of wedding planning: umpteen
Number of my Bubbie's 8 married grandchildren who got married over Labor Day weekend: 3 (my cousin, my sister Stacey, and me)
Number of people in the wedding: 9 (my 2 grandmothers, my parents, my sister as the matron of honor, Matt's parents, and Matt's 2 brothers as co-best men)
Number of friends who thanked me for not making them bridesmaids, requiring them to buy an expensive dress they would never wear again: 3
Number of people who got their hair professionally styled: 4 (my mom, sister, Matt's mom, and me)
Number of people who kept their hair they way it was styled: 3 (my mom, sister, and me)
Number of bobby pins in my hair, holding it back and up in a big curly bun: 56
What I normally weigh: 117-120 lbs
What I wanted to weigh for the wedding: 115-117 lbs
What I actually weighed: 109 lbs (I'm not really sure how that happened. Because I'm only 5' 3," it's usually a conscious struggle for me to lose even a pound, and I've never weighed less than 112 as an adult.)
Number of people who attended the wedding: 138
Number of cancellations: 4 (1 couple canceled because he was in a car accident, another couple canceled because their daughter had a baby 2 months prematurely.)
Number of people who asked if they could crash my wedding: 1
Number of lesbians at the wedding: 4
Number of lesbians in dresses: 3
Number of lesbians in 3-piece suits: 1 (there was a lot of confusion among my parents and their friends about how, exactly to define her. We thought she looked great.)
Number of children we invited to the wedding: 3 (Matt's (our) niece, aged 5, and nephews, both aged 3)
Number of children we requested enter the ceremony after the wedding party: 2 (there is only 1 entrance to the room so if the kids started acting up, their mothers would have had to remove them by walking through the wedding party.)
Number of children who sat through the entire ceremony, our request/plea be damned: all 3
Number of times Matt cried about this bullshit: 1 (at 11am the morning of our wedding day. He was upset that I would be upset.)
Number of times I cried about the bullshit: 0 (I had to let it go.)
Number of times I almost cried during the ceremony/wedding / party: a few (once when I began walking down the aisle, and every time I looked at my good friend Darci who was bawling her eyes out.)
Number of times I actually cried: 1 (during Matt's speech--more about this in a later post.)
Number of people who complimented my dress: so many (I la-la-la loved it. I want to wear it again!)
Number of friends needed to bustle the dress: 3 (plus 1 pregnant friend to keep us company.)
Number of people I needed to lift the many layers of my dress to help me pee: 3
Number of dance lessons we took to prepare for our first dance: 6
How much of it I remember doing: 1/2
Number of minutes we danced the hora: I have no idea
Number of people who did the crazy, kicky Russian dance during the hora: 1 (Matt)
Number of CDs Matt put together with all of all wedding music: 7 (It was his sole job for the wedding and took him forever. He made the entire, fantastic playlist.)
Number of waiters who told me he liked our choice in music: 1
Number of people who thought my sister was pregnant: Nearly everyone. Seriously.
Number of people she convinced she was just fat: 4 (me, Matt, and my parents)
Number of people who knew definitively she wasn't fat but was, in fact, pregnant: 7 (Stacey, her husband, her husband's parents who are good friends with my parents, my grandmothers, and Stacey's best friend who I like to call my surrogate sister.)
Number of people who mentioned that Stacey's husband and my husband were both named Matt: 1 (Stacey, in her speech.)
Number of people I made take cupcakes off their plates and put back on the cupcake tower (which we had in lieu of a cake) so my photographer could take a picture of it looking full: 3 (but that's because I only caught 3. It was my only kind of crazy moment.)
Number of people my married photographer either hit on or referred to as hot: 3
Number of photographs he took and posted online already: 934 (They're so great. So great that I'm going to overlook the weirdness.)
Number of shots I drank: 2 (1 with a couple of friends and 1 with the entire group of all of our friends.)
Number of times at the wedding I wished we had just eloped: 0
How great it was: SO GREAT
How glad I am that it's over: SO GLAD


Blogger Unknown said...

OMG I love this and I miss you. So glad I checked the blog...

8:18 PM, September 18, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your blog. I am reminded of your laser sarcasm. So glad you write this!

7:02 AM, September 20, 2008

Anonymous San Diego Venues said...

I recently visited this great restaurant where our lovely waitress in only her second shift ever had to tell me about all these new dishes, I’ll always remember that taste.

3:22 AM, August 02, 2014


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